PureClean PUCRC25 Robot Vacuum Cleaner Review

An increasing number of people are opting for the robotic vacuum cleaners. Also, newer and newer features are being incorporated into robotic vacuum cleaners. The problem is that when a consumer plans to buy a robotic cleaner, they are not able to decide the features which are necessary and the features which can be skipped. This can create a lot of confusion for any consumer. Also, it can lead to mistakes as well where the consumer opts for the vacuum cleaner which is missing out on some essential features.

The number of best robotic vacuum cleaner options available online these days are plenty like ECOVACS DEEBOT N79S, ILIFE V5s Pro, iRobot Braava 380t, ECOVACS DEEBOT M80, Eufy RoboVac 11. However, one option which definitely stands out from the list includes PureClean Vacuum Cleaner. In this article as well, we will be highlighting our Pure Automatic Robot Vacuum Cleaner review to help you gain a better idea.

PureClean Vacuum Cleaner PUCRC25 Review

One thing which you will instantly notice about this robotic cleaner is the visually appealing design. The green color along with a combination of white suits it a lot. It will fit in perfectly with any kind of decor as well. In addition to that, there are quite a few features available in this robotic vacuum cleaner.

Features of PureClean Automatic Robot Vacuum Cleaner

  1. Sleek design
  2. Obstacle avoidance system
  3. 3 different cleaning modes
  4. Easy to select the cleaning duration
  5. Bag-less operation
  6. Rechargeable battery
  7. LED light indicator
  8. Self-programming feature
  9. Cleans most of the debris and dirt types
  10. Single button initiation


Sleek design:

As we stated above, it is not only visually appealing but also pretty sleek in design. As a result, it becomes easier for you to use it even in the smaller rooms.

Obstacle avoidance system – Cliff Sensor:

With the help of various sensors, it is easy to avoid the obstacles. As a result, it will become easier for you to use it in place which is full of furniture as well. You will not have to worry about it bumping into various obstacles.

3 different cleaning modes:

You can select between the 3 different cleaning modes. As a result, any kind of debris can be easily cleaned as well. This also ensures that it is able to perform the cleaning task on various types of surfaces as well.

Cleaning duration selection:

You can decide the time period for which it cleans. It can be 10 minutes or 20 minutes at 90 minutes. You can decide this depending on the size of the room which you want to clean.

Bag-less operation:

The bag-less operation ensures that you are able to easily eliminate dust as well as debris which is being collected by the vacuum cleaner. You will not have to worry about replenishing the bag again and again. This makes the use of this robotic vacuum cleaner much easier for you.

Rechargeable battery:

It has a rechargeable battery which ensures that you will be able to use it again and again with the limited amount of maintenance.

LED light indicator:

There is a light indicator on the vacuum cleaner which ensures that you are able to directly find out about the battery status. As a result, you can understand how many periods of time; the robotic vacuum cleaner can work for on the current charge.

Self-programming feature:

It can easily detect the obstacles and move around in them. Also, once it cleans a single room multiple numbers of times, it will be able to find its way around them quite easily. Moreover, it creates its own cleaning patterns which ensure that the entire area is easily covered.

Eliminates most of the dirt and debris types:

It can collect the heavier dirt as well as the lighter dirt. This ensures that you are able to entirely eliminate the contaminants from your home quite easily.

Single button initiation:

In order to operate it, all you need to do is to just press a single button. With the help of this single button, you will be able to initiate the operation of the robotic vacuum cleaner quite easily. As you can see, it is pretty easy to operate and it consists of multiple features which ensure that your home will be cleaned swiftly as well as efficiently.

Looking to buy PureClean Vacuum Cleaner? Read Its Pros & Cons!


  1. A sleek design and is visually appealing.
  2. It has 3 different time settings.
  3. Consists of 3 different cleaning modes.
  4. It can pick up large as well as small debris.
  5. An LED light battery indicator.
  6. It consists of a bag-less operation.
  7. Obstacle avoidance sensors.
  8. The cleaning can be started with the push of a single button.


  1. It sometimes works excessively on a single area.
  2. It produces more noise.

So, Is PureClean Automatic Robot Vacuum Cleaner Good to Buy or Not?

As you can see, when you look at the numerous features of this robotic vacuum cleaner, it is simply one of the most superior options which you can get your hands on. Instead of opting for a different robotic cleaner like iRobot Roomba 690, ILIFE V3s Pro, you should definitely opt for this one as is it is much superior.